Last week I enjoyed a busy three days attending the annual BTME exhibition in Harrogate. For me, the show seemed busy on all three days, with initial figures released stating that there were 3300 in attendance on day one of the show, an increase on last year.
BTME is always a popular annual event providing a wealth of educational programmes and five exhibition halls - plus the town provides exceptional hospitality. The networking opportunities, after-show drinks and celebration parties are well attended. Myself, work colleagues and industry professionals were invited to various events where it is good to catch up with friends and acquaintances.

BTME Harrogate
Having spoken to many of the exhibitors they seemed happy with the footfall on their stands and spoke of many good business leads.

Busy halls
Throughout the week at various receptions several turf professionals were recognised for their services and dedication to the industry. I was pleased to hear that Dean Cleaver was presented with the Outstanding Contribution award sponsored by Jacobsen, in recognition of a half century of commitment to supporting his fellow greenkeepers.

Dean Clever, left, receiving award
You can read who else scooped top prizes at the BIGGA Celebration here.
One of the other winners was Dudley Golf Club who received Greenkeeping Project of the Year. Whilst at the show I was introduced to Stewart and have organised to go and see him and his team in March.
It was great to also meet up with many old friends and colleagues. Amongst others I bumped into Keith Porter HG at Leigh Sports Village who had brought along some members of his grounds team; Jim Buttar, HG Twickenham; Darren Baldwin; Chris Hague; Chris Parry, Loughborough Schools; Cris Lane Wolves FC; Keith Exton, Perfect Pitches; Ian Smith, St Albans School and Vic Domain Durham CCC to name a few

Keith Porter and staff from Leigh Sports Village

Vic Domain, Durham County Cricket Club
As for new products that stood out to me, Campey unveiled to a packed press call their new Bellonmit BM40 professional scarifier with fixed blade collection. The company says the rotor guarantees excellent work in all conditions, even when the cutting edge of the blade is not in optimal condition. In addition, the collector with hydraulic discharge on the ground allows the material removed from the ground to be collected in a single pass. The high ventilation created by the rotor also allows it to be used also as a leaf vacuum.

Campey's Bellonmit Scarifier
Foley Grinders have patented a new grinder that allows large pedestrian cylinder mowers to be reground whilst in situ. You basically push the mower onto a platform connect the drives and begin sharpening the blades.

Foley's new grinder
I also caught up with Glen Kirby from Syngenta who offered me an update on their latest Turf Advisor app that enables greenkeepers, turf managers and agronomists instant access to a wealth of key information and advice to help make better decisions for day-to-day actions and planning.

Glen Kirby
Uniquely, it displays both the historic weather data for recent days that will have impacted on current turf health and quality, along with the forecast information for the coming days, helping turf professionals understand where they sit in a weather pattern, helping them to make management decisions.
This app could be a valuable tool for many practitioners and I will be myself giving it a try.
I also enjoyed catching up with Daniel Lightfoot on the R&A stand to talk about his new role in promoting sustainable agronomic practises for golf, whilst also talking to other members of the new Agronomy team Simon Weston, Alister Beggs and Paul Woodham.

Myself and Daniel with the Ryder Cup
Having the chance to meet so many people at the show has resulted in a busy and interesting schedule for me in the coming months. I have manged to secure several golf club visits, a few stadium visits and some roadshow demo days - for example a visit to Kidderminster Carolians RFC, to attend one of several Campey Pitch Renovation events that are taking place around the country.