We’re a week into now, but I’d like to take the opportunity today to wish everybody a happy new year. I am sure 2024 will be another testing year for our dedicated professional and volunteer grounds staff - certainly if last year is anything to go by!
The effects of climate change will again, without a doubt, influence the work of grounds practitioners. I recently read with interest on the BBC that the National Trust has published some information on this topic.
The article quoted the National Trust as saying a loss of predictable weather patterns is "causing chaos for nature”. The BBC reported that the NT is warning, “climate change is upsetting the regular rhythm of the seasons, making plants and wildlife more susceptible to disease.”

It was also reported that 2023 saw a series of temperature records, with the warmest June and highest sea temperatures ever recorded around the coast of the UK.
An unusually warm winter has clearly allowed pests and diseases to thrive. On a recent walk in my local wood, I saw plenty of insects flying about which was unusual for this time of year.

Meanwhile low water levels in rivers, lakes and reservoirs - caused by a lack of rain coupled with the high temperatures - has been a factor in increased algal blooms.
On some occasions this has led to mass fish deaths as oxygen levels crash, causing them to suffocate. And there were dramatic storms too, with storms Babet and Ciaran damaging landscapes and coastlines around the country.
The latest storm Gerrit that has just blown through the UK has again caused awful flooding and left many natural grass winter sports pitches saturated or completely submerged.

For me, like many other turf professionals, we are now seeing a definite change in seasonal weather fronts, with often very warm and dry, or wet, periods at time of the year when we least expect. As for winter weather fronts, it been many years since we had prolonged frost and snow cover lasting several weeks. We now tend to see milder, warm and wet weather during December, January and February.
I can certainly remember as a child back in the 1960s, specific seasonal weather fronts. Summers where hot and dry, autumns wet and windy, winters cold and frosty and the spring bringing drying winds and sunshine.
How all that has changed in recent years with weather fronts acting unpredictably, with extremes of boom-and-bust.

However, with many more aids, machinery and effective products now available, the practicing turf professionals are better prepared for any extreme eventuality.
Therefore it will be fascinating to see just how we all cope with the various weather fronts we will all have to deal with in 2024.
Looking ahead
As for our ever growing TurfPro magazine, I am looking forward to bringing you all the latest news, gossip and industry related articles that dominate and affect our industry. You can read today the top ten articles that grabbed your attention last year within our pages, here.
Throughout 2024 I will be out and about, beginning with attending the BTME show in Harrogate on 23rd-25th January. The first of our annual grounds related shows, it always enables turf professionals to network and meet up with one another, whilst viewing the latest products and services on offer.

I personally enjoy attending BTME especially due to the fact that not only are we able to see a wide range of products and attend plenty of educational seminars, but once the show has finished we are able to carry on the important networking opportunities in the many bars and wonderful restaurants Harrogate as to offer. It’s always a highlight enjoying a drink and a chat in Wetherspoons with fellow industry professionals and work colleagues.
This year, we will be continuing with the popular Sustainability articles penned by Professor John Moverley that we will be publishing each month throughout the year. We will feature gust xpert authors regularly and I will also be writing technical and sport-specific articles. I’ll also continue with testing and reviewing a number of products during the year, along with visiting various sporting venues.
I look forward to catching up with you all throughout the year.