Clive Pinnock, Reesink’s training ambassador who worked for the company for 34 years before retiring in Spring 2018, has sadly passed away following a short battle with cancer.

Clive Pinnock
Clive will be remembered for achieving a level 4 in the Landbased Technician Accreditation scheme (LTA) in 2016, one of the highest training accolades there is, and growing and shaping the company’s training department into what it is today.
Fondly referred to as a ‘training trailblazer’, he will be much missed says turf equipment aftermarket manager at Reesink, David Jackman.
“It was very sad news to hear that Clive had passed away following a short battle with cancer. Clive played a big part in helping the training department grow to the size it is today and he always got on well with our dealers and customers, helping them achieve the very best from the machinery that he knew so much about.”
He continues, “When Clive turned 65, he still had passion and a love of the product and the people that he worked with, so he became more involved in training, he had a genuine interest in cutting edge technology and helping to train others. Anyone who attended a technical training course at St. Neots would have come across Clive and his enthusiasm for the products. He will be sorely missed by all, especially those at Reesink Turfcare.”
Over the years, Clive left a big impression on those he worked with, inspiring others with his passion for learning and sharing his knowledge. This enthusiasm is remembered by Reesink managing director, David Cole.
“I have known and worked with Clive off and on since the early 90s, and over that time have always fed off his infectious enthusiasm for engineering and the opportunities in agriculture and turfcare,” David says.
“Over his career he channelled that enthusiasm into giving generously of his knowledge to everyone he came across and in doing so improved the technical ability and understanding of many greenkeepers, groundsman and technicians, as well as influencing the career path of some. That generosity, with his experience and sharing what he knew, was a real loss to Reesink, the Toro brand and the wider industry when Clive retired last year and should be reflected upon with the sad news of his passing.”
Having made such an impact in the industry and those around him, Clive is truly irreplaceable. However, his legacy remains in the form of all those he’s trained. Reesink’s condolences are with Clive’s family.