Safe and timely use of herbicide products not only helps to ensure that active ingredients fulfil the requirements of amenity managers, but can also help to safeguard their future availability and effectiveness, points out Bayer.

Roundup® Development Manager Barrie Hunt explains: “Glyphosate has been reapproved until at least 2022 and we now need to play our part to ensure that we continue to have this important herbicide at our disposal to control weeds in the amenity sector in the long term.”
Good Plant Protection Practice and an Integrated Weed Management Strategy are key to demonstrating stewardship and responsible use of plant protection products which can help safeguard active ingredients, he comments.
“Whenever possible, use mixtures of herbicides, and consider integrating non-chemical control measures,” explains Mr Hunt. “Opportunities for selective applications are limited in groundcare, but spot spraying can be an extremely effective approach and application equipment technology is developing all the time.
Incorporating a residual partner with a different mode of herbicidal action is also possible in some circumstances.”
The mild winter has meant continued growth in many parts of the country, but groundcare professionals should resist the urge to make an early start on weed control, he emphasises.
“Timeliness is essential to get the best out of products – check label recommendations for the correct application timing for the weed species being targeted. Planning applications carefully to ensure that the active ingredient is at its most effective helps to prevent survivors.”
Effective treatment of weeds also helps reduce the risk of herbicide resistance, a looming threat to our ability to maintain control, says Mr Hunt.
“There are currently no known cases of glyphosate resistance in the UK. However, globally, resistance has evolved due to practices including over-reliance on the same herbicide i.e. glyphosate, not following label recommendations and a lack of, or limited, Integrated Weed Management strategies.”
“By being vigilant, and keeping good practice to the forefront, we can help these valuable chemicals to continue to maintain the quality of sporting and leisure facilities.”
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Roundup® is a registered trademark of the Bayer Group.