Across the country following wet weather
by TurfPro Editor, Laurence Gale MSC, MBPR
Laurence Gale MSC, MBPR

What can we say about the recent wet weather fronts, other than it is extremely soggy and a challenging time for all grounds professionals and community volunteers looking after winter games pitches and golf courses?

This extreme weather front has seen well over 100mm of rain falling in less than 24 hours, causing a lot of flooding and transport disruption in many parts of the country. 


The real knock-on effect of this weather will be how well we can deal with the resulting issues in terms of flooded and saturated pitches and playing surfaces. 


This spate of wet weather will also no doubt disrupt a lot of planned renovation and repair works to both cricket and bowls clubs, while at the same time bringing postponements of both rugby and football matches, in particular at grass roots levels.


It can beggar’s belief that we are still seeing poor groundsmanship practices carried out during inclement weather conditions. It often comes from people not understanding the consequences of their actions.


A saturated rugby pitch 

In many cases, these postponements could be prevented if clubs were to invest more into their pitches, both during the construction phase and post construction and by having a robust maintenance regime in place. However, for many natural soil-based pitches, it is more about the lack of maintenance and understanding about the type of pitches being managed. Understanding your soils, and how to manage them, will go a long way to producing a decent playing surface.


Damaged playing surface 


Knowledge and understanding of soil physical properties has always been important for professional turf managers, when making decisions about maintenance operations and when carrying out reconstruction works. 


Soils can vary in many ways, both physically and chemically, on a local or regional scale.

This soil variability gives rise to all the different types, universally classified by soil texture composition. Soil composition (soil texture) is determined predominantly by mineral particles and organic matter content and can be classified by the percentage of sand, silt and clay mineral particle content. The Soil Texture Triangle, as shown in the below image, helps us classify the soil type. These percentages are determined by undertaking a PSD, particle size distribution analysis.



The definition of soil texture is the relative proportion of sand, silt or clay in a soil. Most soils contain a mixture of different soil particles. The particles and the soil's structure determine the pore spaces. A soil with a high proportion of coarse sand will contain large pore spaces and drain quickly, whereas a soil having finer sand, silt or clay particles will contain smaller pore spaces, and therefore will drain more slowly.


The strength and permeability of any soil is determined by its structure, soil type, drainage capacity and how well it is managed. Soils will perform differently, governed by the amount of water, root mass and air there is in the soil matrix.


Most pitch problems are caused when soils are saturated and compacted. When saturated, a soil is said to be at its maximum retentive capacity; that is, all soil pores are filled with water. Saturation usually occurs for short periods of time, either during heavy rainfall events or when soil is being irrigated.



Another saturated rugby pitch 


Firstly, we need to understand what problems are facing groundsmen when pitches become flooded and remain saturated for long periods of time. Once a pitch becomes saturated, that is to say all the pore (air) spaces in the soil profile remain filled with water, then we are in a situation of the pitch being in a poor state and will be prone to damage.


However, the main contributing factor that reduces and damages pore spaces in soil is compaction, caused by compression forces, normally associated with play and use of machinery, particularly during wet weather periods. Over time, these compression forces reduce the pore spaces so that air, water and nutrient flow through the soil profile is restricted, and leads to many problems associated with compaction.


The heavier the soil the longer it will take for the pitch to dry out; sandy soils are more free draining than heavy loam or clay soils and, therefore, will dry out more quickly.


Having an effective pitch drainage scheme will help. Most modern pitches tend to have primary and secondary drainage systems installed. These systems aid the removal of surface water quickly and tend to keep the pitches playable in periods of wet weather.


However, the effectiveness of any drainage system can be compromised over time when the drain runs become capped; it is important to retain a link between the drains and the playing surface.


This will be achieved by regular aeration work and the application of topdressings. Ideally, clubs should be putting on at least 40-60 tonnes of sand per pitch each year. This not only keeps the playing surface free draining, but also helps to restore levels.


Playing on saturated pitches will bring disastrous results. It is often better to postpone a fixture rather than ruin the playing surface for the rest of the season. Scrummage and line out play are the main causes of damage on rugby pitches during wet weather periods. The severity of the damage will be dependent upon the soil type and the ability of the top 100mm to drain quickly.

It is important that, once the game has finished, remedial work is carried out to repair divots and stand the grass back up. Care should be taken not to further damage the pitch by trying to get machinery on when it is wet and saturated. 


Verti Drain type solid tine spike


Aeration should be carried out on a regular basis when weather and soil conditions allow. You may contribute to surface deterioration if you aerate during bad weather when the surface is saturated and likely to smear; timing is the key to successful aeration.

There is a wide range of professional aerators for use on winter turf pitches, available as walk-behind, ride-on, trailed or tractor mounted.


To alleviate these compacted layers, we need to consider a range of different techniques and equipment that can encompass the different types of playing surfaces. The main aim of aeration is to penetrate the soil profile to create new macro pore space. This is achieved by several methods:

  • Solid tine or Verti Drain type vertical punch aerators
  • Hollow/coring tines that remove soil cores from the soil
  • Trailed outfield Multi tine spikers (knife / solid tines)
  • Disc/blade implements (linear aerators / Soil recyclers.
  • Compressed air aerator systems


It is essential to use a variety of aeration techniques to prevent pan layers being created. This usually happens if you continue to use the same aeration technique set at the same depth, resulting in a compacted layer forming at the base of the tine or core depth. Most turfgrass managers will, therefore, vary the methods of aeration by changing the depths, size and diameter of tines.


To help grass roots sports clubs with potential funding to improve their facilities or buy essential machinery the GMA launched The Pitch Advisory Service, formerly the Grounds and Natural Turf Improvement Programme, that was originally launched in 2014 and is funded by Sport England and the Football Foundation, working in association with the ECB, RFL and RFU.


The RFU have their Rugby Grounds Connect website that helps clubs get advice and help.


So there is help and relevant information available to help grounds practitioners to ensure they can maintain their pitches during inclement weather events. 

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