The East Anglia and Midlands branch of Reesink UK is celebrating two years of successful operation and attributing a significant proportion of its achievements to its machinery servicing and parts departments.

Trevor Chard, branch manager of Reesink East Anglia, said, “We set out with a firm focus on sales, servicing, training and parts, and what we’ve noticed since opening is just how highly the servicing and parts departments are valued and in particular how popular the ReeAssure maintenance plans are.”
The reason for this is multifaceted says Trevor: “We’ve noticed customers are holding on to their machinery for longer. The cost of living crisis does affect businesses and the post-COVID spend is long behind us, but this is where buying Toro in the first instance pays dividends.
“It’s longevity and reliability is such that with regular maintenance and servicing by our team of experienced and trained technicians they can easily get upwards of a decade of solid work performance in.”
In fact, such is the demand for Reesink’s servicing maintenance support, says Trevor, that the Burwell branch now has three technicians full-time on the road and two at the branch, with recruitment currently active to further bolster the team.
“The growth of the maintenance and support we provide has been organic and demonstrates just how important it is to have a local branch to respond to customer demand and react to specific requirements of our local customers," said Trevor. "That’s what sees us gaining new customers and welcoming returning ones.”